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NYCHA Leadership


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NYCHA Senior Officers


Brinley Lippincott

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President


Riley Farris

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President


Wyatt Lewis

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President


Jillian Jarvis

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President


Brea Collier

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President



NYCHA Regional Directors

Jason Simmons

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President

Region 1

Gavin Mesalam

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President

Region 4

Ryan Coffey

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President

Region 7

Logan Harlan

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President

Region 2

Cody Gann

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President

Region 5

Mason Mefford

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President

Region 8

Lilly Loraas

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President

Region 3

Faith Farris

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President

Region 6



NYCHA Junior Officers

Ryleigh Flynn

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President


Annie White

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President


Makena-Grace Newton

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President


Mica Collins

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President


Jenna Bell

Brinley Lippincott NYCHA Sr President



Youth Area Directors

Area 1: Oregon, Washington, North Idaho, and Alaska 
Area 2: Arizona, California, and Hawaii 
Area 3: South Idaho, Nevada, and Utah 
Area 4: Montana and Wyoming 
Area 5: Colorado and New Mexico 
Area 6: Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota 
Area 7: Kansas and Nebraska 
Area 8: OklahomaCarlee Farrell
 Makayla Cowan
 Ryleigh Ferrier
Area 9: North TexasWill Bushaw
Area 10: South TexasReece Collins
Area 11: West TexasCheyenne Lewis
Area 12: Iowa, Wisconsin, and North Illinois 
Area 13: Kentucky and South IllinoisWhitney Jo Harrison
Area 14: Mississippi, Louisiana, ArkansasLyndi Polk
Area 15: Indiana, Michigan, OhioMyla Hochstein
 Jeffery Carver
 Robert Meyer
Area 16: FloridaReagan Overstreet
Area 17: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia 
Area 18: Georgia, North Carolina, and South CarolinaLily Erwin
Area 19: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New York 
Area 20: West Canada, British Colombia, AlbertaGreta Wurtz
 Ryley-Ray Wilson
Area 21: East Canada, Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick 
Area 22: Alabama and TennesseeCody Cain
Area 23: Central Canada, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba 
Area 24: East TexasAden Bernhagen
 Jewel Duvall
 Riley Todd
 Tristen Moschella
Area 25: MissouriCooper Yarbro
Area 26: International 


NYCHA Leadership Opportunities 


NYCHA Officer


What is a Senior Youth Officer?

The NYCHA Senior Officers are the governing body for NYCHA. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the NYCHA and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the association.

What is a Junior Officer?

The NYCHA Junior Officers shall have the responsibility of coordinating with the NYCHA Senior Youth Officers in their held positions, take directions from them, and have all responsibilities determined by the NYCHA Senior Youth Officers. They will have no voting power, or travel expenses, and will not be covered by NYCHA.  They must have served as an NYCHA Youth Regional and/or Area Director one year prior to the election.

Each Elected NYCHA Junior Officer shall take office immediately following the NYCHA Convention in July. The NYCHA Junior Youth President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Reporter will serve a one-year term.

NYCHA Officer Application

What are the responsibilities of an NYCHA Officer?

  • Improve and promote the sport of cutting and the industry
  • Improve and develop the capabilities of youth in the breeding, raising, and showing of cutting horses.
  • Develop scholarship opportunities, leadership, community interest, and increase participation of youth interested in cutting horses.
  • Provide our youth with the tools to help them become successful today, and in the future.
  • Encourage moral character, sportsmanship, and clean living among all its members.
  • Allow the youth members to learn about the leadership of the NCHA by working in conjunction with the NCHA Youth Committee, the NCHA Executive Committee, and Regional Directors.
  • Acquaint the youth members with the structure and functions of the NCHA.


NYCHA Senior Regional Director


What is an NYCHA Senior Regional Director?


The NYCHA Senior Regional Directors consist of one representative in each of the eight regions.

The NYCHA Senior Regional Directors and the Senior Officers will make up the NYCHA Senior Youth Board of Directors. The NYCHA Senior Regional Directors will work closely with NYCHA Senior Officers to help grow the NYCHA to a level of excellence, work with the NYCHA Youth Area Directors to strengthen the NYCHA membership, help NYCHA Youth Area Directors with scholarship and grant opportunities, establish education and leadership programs, create fundraisers, and any other projects that will continue to strive for a level of excellence.

Want to become an NYCHA Senior Regional Director?

NYCHA Senior Regional Directors will serve a one-year term. Members that apply for a regional director position must be an eligible youth member in the year they will serve. They must be at least age 14 as of June 1st, one year prior to the term they will serve. The term of service will be from the end of Youth Convention Week in July, until the end of the following Youth Convention Week in July.

NYCHA Senior Regional Director Application

What are the responsibilities of an NYCHA Senior Regional Director?

  • Attending NYCHA meetings to represent your region relating to NYCHA activities. Meetings of the Senior Youth Board of Directors will be conducted via a conference call or in-person, when possible. 
  • Communicate to all NYCHA Youth Area Directors about ongoing matters involving the NYCHA
  • Assist in coordinating with NYCHA Youth Area Directors for all fundraisers to include but not limited to, the Stallion Service Program and/or raffles.
  • Submit at least one article for the monthly Youth Newsletter and/or Youth Connection in the Chatter.
  • Assist in recruiting new youth members  
  • Assist NYCHA Youth Area Directors with educational and leadership programs in their area.
  • Assist with developing scholarship and grant opportunities. 
  • Conduct any other business that the NYCHA Youth President deems necessary.


NYCHA Area Director


What is an NYCHA Area Director?

The NYCHA Area Directors are the driving force of the organization. They provide the leadership and the hard work to accomplish the NYCHA mission in their areas. This position carries a lot of responsibilities and requires a commitment to fulfill the duties of the office. NYCHA Youth Area Directors will apply and are selected by the NYCHA Youth Director.

Want to become an NYCHA Area Director?

The NYCHA Area Directors will serve a one-year term. Members applying for an area director position must be an eligible youth member in the year they will serve. They must be at least age 10 as of June 1st, one year prior to the term they will serve. The term of service will be from the end of Youth Convention Week in July until the end of the following Youth Convention Week in July.

NYCHA Youth Area Directors shall act on all matters involving youth membership in their area and be responsible for all youth activity programs of the association. Youth Area Directors will be responsible for meetings, assisting in fundraising, and recruiting new members. They shall also receive the rules of the association governing the scope of their responsibilities at least once annually, or whenever deemed necessary. They will make recommendations to the NYCHA Youth Board of Directors for modification of the rules and shall perform other such duties as the NYCHA Youth Board of Directors may so direct. These meetings can be in person and/or via conference call.

NYCHA Area Director Application

What are the responsibilities of an NYCHA Area Director?

  • Attend the NYCHA youth meetings representing your area relating to NYCHA activities. Meetings directed by the Youth Board of Directors will be conducted via conference call or in-person, when possible. 
  • Have one conference call every other month with your NYCHA Youth Regional Director to discuss NYCHA matters related to a national level and/or local level. 
  • Assist in all fundraisers including but not limited to, the Stallion Service Program and/or raffles.
  • Recruit at least one new youth member a year.
  • Organize at least two youth meetings per year for your area so that you can inform your youth members about the NYCHA youth programs (LEAP, contests, scholarships, coming events).
  • Organize an educational and/or leadership clinic in your area at one of your shows.


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National Cutting Horse Association
260 Bailey Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76107

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Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm CST