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Non-Pro Hall of Fame


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To give the Non-Professional rider greater recognition, an NCHA Hall of Fame has been established. To be placed in the Hall of Fame, a rider must win $35,000* in NCHA Championship Non-Professional Contests. Upon winning the $35,000*, a Gold certificate will be issued to the rider, and a plaque on the walls of the National Cutting Horse Association's office will be mounted. These Non-Professionals have also received Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze Awards.

*In 1981, amended to $100,000
*In 1985, amended to $150,000 

Dustin Adams2005
Paige Alexander-Loera1990
Lonnie Allsup2001
Karen Michelle Anderson2010
Richard Andersen1980
Steve Anderson2013
Kevin Arnold2006
Charlie Ashcraft1979
Lindy Ashlock2009
Billy Atwood2018
Billy Baker1980
Kate Banuelos2013
Jeff Barnes2019
Tim Barry2007
Alycia Bellenfant2005
Austin Blake2017
Sandy Bonelli2005
Jodie Boone Cerny1997
Don Boone1994
Kathy Boone1994
Page Bowman2018
Mary Bradford2008
Robert Charles Brown2003
Norman Bruce1979
Chad Bushaw2005
Ernest Cannon1992
Jon Cates2006
Kelle Chartier2007
Lauren Chartier2012
M.L. Chartier1980
Randy Chartier1979
Greg Coalson2005
Dick Cogdell2013
Jim Cogdell2013
Joel Cohen2016
Blakley Colgrove2019
Madalyn Colgrove2019
Kelsey Conn2015
Armando Costa Neto2013
William Cowan2016
Carl Crawford1983
Craig Crumpler2005
Paul Crumpler2005
Brandon Dufurrena2013
Kelle Earnheart2008
Jo Ellard2011
Mitch Farris1986
Phil Feinberg1989
Scott Ferguson2005
Kay Floyd1991
Ashley Flynn2017
David Gage1976
Dick Gaines1980
Beau Galyean2008
Kristen Galyean2015
Wesley Galyean2007
Chad Gann2004
Lee Garner1993
Carl Gerwien2005
George Glover1985
Ali Good2019
Sam Good2018
Robin Haack2005
Dan Hansen2008
Julie Hansma2005
Roy Harden2006
Spencer Harden2005
Lance Harrel2005
Tom Hastings1980
James ‘Spunky’ Hawkins2009
Stephanie Haymes-Roven2008
Cody Hedlund2016
Waddy Hills2003
Edley Hixson Jr2008
Dean Holden2013
Linda Holmes2007
Lee Holsey Jr1980
Gail Hooper2008
James Hooper2008
Ben Ingram1995
Constance Jaeggi2015
Bucki James2005
Kelsey Weeks Johnson2017
Mike Kelly1980
Jimmy Kemp Jr1999
Bobby Kennedy1997
Amy Welch King2008
Glade Knight2011
Nelson Knight2016
Bill Lacy2013
Bobby Lewis2006
Jill Long2011
Wayland Long1989
Wayne Long1989
Cindy Love2005
Dan Lufkin1991
Kyle Manion2008
Tommy Manion2005
George Manor2008
Billy Martin2009
Bonnie Martin2010
Tim May2002
Sandra McBride2012
Clay McCullar2012
Stacie McDavid2013
Matt Miller2008
Megan Miller2010
Jim Milner1976
Joey Milner2001
Mary Jo Milner1980
Tommy Minton2006
Hope Mitchell2005
Tommy Moore1979
Ty Moore2016
McKenzie Mullins2006
Linda Mussallem1997
Benjie Christian Neely2005
Steve Norris2017
Debbie Patterson1989
John Paxton1983
Mark Pearson2008
Lach Perks2009
Roger Peters1999
Bobby Pidgeon2005
Gil Porter1979
Elizabeth Queen2005
Skip Queen2005
M Todd Quirk2018
Mary Ann Rapp1998
Phil Rapp1992
Mary Jo Reno1979
Kylie Knight Rice2017
Julie Roddy1991
Bradley Rodgers2017
Carol Rose1976
Wade Rust1999
Dean Sanders2005
Wes Shahan2006
Larry Shearin1978
Cade Shepard2016
Stacy Shepard2009
Kade Smith2017
Alexis Stephas2015
Eddie Stewart2000
Margie Suiter1980
Dick Thompson2007
James Vangilder2006
Carol Ward2015
Sheila Welch1980
Janet Westfall2007
Justin White2008
April Widman2017
Joe Howard Williamson1998
Brad Wilson2017
Merritt Wilson2005
Priscilla Crawley Wilson2017
Kaitlyn Wimberly2016
Lewie Wood Jr.2007
L.H. Wood1995
Paula Wood1997
Julie Wrigley2010

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National Cutting Horse Association
260 Bailey Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76107

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Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm CST