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Ron Pietrafeso

Feb 5, 2018, 15:33 PM by Amy DeLange
By Amy DeLange

We are still being blown away by the overwhelming response from Vice President Ron Pietrafeso post. There are so many great ideas and positive thought, we felt we should share one that really stood out. Thank you Amy DeLange for your input and allowing us to share this.

“Been reading all of the comments and suggestions. There are so many great ones. I would really like to support a few before tossing in one of my own. Several people have emphasized the need for a Welcoming and Friendly environment as The Cutting Horse World can be very intimidating. Most of us do this as our hobby which is also our target audience. I was always taught that politeness and kindness has no cost, therefore, we should always step first with politeness and kindness. This is something that we each can do or even do better starting immediately and within this about (our own publicity if you will) all the wonderful things about the NCHA wherever and whenever we can (Ron P. You clearly role model that). Recent example: I am from Michigan and I went to visit my son and my horses at a horse show in Brenham, Texas and decided to show there. Was I intimidated going in?? Yes!! It was my personal 1st time ever showing in Texas. First run not so great. However, second run was super and won the class. Let me tell you what the difference was, because it wasn't the cattle or my horse, it was Me and I was different, more relaxed because of the way the PEOPLE there made me feel!! I made new friends, I was not treated like an outsider, my help (two of which had never helped me in my life) helped me like a family member, someone made Chili for everyone, 2 new friends shared their comfy chairs with me, I laughed, the announcer even told me Thank you, because she took the time to notice, when i picked up trash, and when I dropped my hand down on my second run there was a crowd of new friends cheering for me. Hats off to the Bluebonnet Association. I told my son, I really want to go back there. People will go check something out and then they will stay if others have a positive experience and then they have a similar one. No matter what we do, it is always about the experience and the relationships within that experience! And as current members of the NCHA, our choice by the way, I do feel it is EACH of our jobs to create, strengthen and PROMOTE that expereience. Secondly, I also support the increased Media coverage, but not just for the Major Events (although yes for them for sure), but for some smaller events as well. Media is a must, up front cost now, but big benefits later. From reading these posts, there is clearly a perception that only the wealthy can be successful in cutting. In order to change one's perception, we have to give/show opposing examples to that perception. So here are a couple of thoughts. Keep in mind...cost now brings in revenue later. 1. Spotlight the little guy/gal/family/horse once a month that has done something spectacular and perhaps really.....look at our definition of spectacular. The Mercuia's have not been around forever and I recall the days when $100,000 in earnings really meant something. Do the research.....find those owners, those trainers, those horses and plaster it all over the place, not just CHC or not just the Chatter (Although, I do think both of these should be included), facebook, the website, maybe the local papers or public TV in that local area. 2. Facebook is clearly the venue of communication, information, celebration, and advertisement of today. We, the NCHA, should have FT folks devoted to FB---talk about and build it up, WOW people, make people think, "Wow, that is a group I really want to be part of"!! Highlight an affiliate every week or a show every week throughout the ENTIRE NCHA. I have been a member of NCHA for almost 40 years, since I was a kid, and sure, I have had some things I do not like, do not agree with, and even down right think are ridiculous. However, I would never trade it in nor do I regret it and people close to me know all the reasons. However, I will say this, Some of the closest people to me in my life I have met because of the NCHA, in some of the scariest amd most difficult times in my life, it was my NCHA friends and family that were there for us, my children are the people they are in large part because of the people and experiences they were exposed to in the NCHA, I have had the greatest belly laughs of my life at NCHA Cuttings, I have a stressful job and going to a Cutting has always been my happy place, and in many ways an NCHA World Champion Cutting horse changed my Son's life. There is no greater feeling to a parent than to see your child truly happy and it is because of the NCHA. It's these types of experiences and people we need to talk about, not that it's only for the Wealthy!! I too believe it is the best thing going, but maybe we just need to get back to our foundations, which leads me to my last suggestion. 3. Go talk to the ole timers and not just the ones who are World Champions, Futurity Champions, or 2 Million Dollar Winners (although we want to highlight them too), but go talk to those "hidden treasures" and highlight them. We all could probably learn a thing or two.”

Written by Amy DeLange, NCHA member

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